OUR stand-alone courses

The Shape of Things to ComE:

Course to Determine Your Future

THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME... is for individuals and teams who dare to step out of the confines they are accustomed to, to innovate and define themselves.  We sometimes think we are stuck in how we see ourselves, acting in certain ways, or responding in habitual patterns that no longer work.  This can lead to feelings of frustration, restlessness, and other forms of stress.    

THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME... is a spring cleaning for your inner world.  You will examine and identify which aspects of your thinking and behaviors are your strongest qualities, and which are outdated, are too limiting, or a relic of who you used to be, but no longer are.  Through a series of conversations and exercises you’ll try on a variety of roles in scenarios both real and imagined.  You will create a personal compass and a practical roadmap for you to use as a reference to stay connected to and express your one and only true voice. 

The program consists of six one-hour and 45-minute sessions delivered one-to-one or to teams of up to six. 

Get in touch with us 

What is the most immediate challenge you are facing?
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Here's what our clients say about us

In my opinion, the mental side of competition and life is more important than the physical. Ken pushed my boundaries mentally and helped refine the way that I think.

Kyle Snyder 


My work with Ken helped me evaluate where I was in the past, where I am in the present, and where I would like to be in the future.  Role playing difficult conversations helped prepare me for personal and professional challenges, expanding my ability to effectively communicate my thoughts and emotions.  Identifying traits that I possess helped me focus my efforts to become the man I know I am and would like to be.  The course clarified the direction I want to move with my life, and I would highly recommend the course to anyone who is looking at defining their future.

Pat McLaughlin


Ken definitely has a unique way of making you think and to bring out the best in you. People are often in search of the next steps to be more productive, to improve oneself… to be better. If that is you, then your next steps should be clear- Ken and his team will take you to where you need to get to, to get the best out of you in how you think, act and perform.

Al Charron